5 Steps to make Good icon design

In this era where everyone is thinking to start their own business or a small startup, for which they are trying their best to achieve their target or fulfill their dreams. But before putting step into the hot water, it is very important for that person, to should very strategy and tactic of business. That what should be the initial steps, how to introduce business in the market or how to manage all the stuff. But before that, the most important thing about the business is its name and icon or logo.
The name of the company or business should be unique, meaningful, and versatile. Whereas the logo or the icon of the company or business should be creative, interesting, and eye-catching. Because first thing which customers notice about the brand is, name and logo or icon. That is why they should be decent, attractive, impressive, and magnificent.
Here we will share some ideas that how you can make magnificent and impressive icons that can easily grab customers’ attention.
1. A define unique shape yet simple:
The first and the most important thing is its shape. The shape should be perfectly defined and dense because the logos or icons that have any kind of shape can attract customers more rapidly. Shapes usually fascinate the customers and take their place in their minds. For example:
Snapchat, Whatsapp, Dropbox, and many more, each website have a particular relevant shape in their icon which describes the company. But make sure not to use many shapes in the icon, it will make your icon cheap and disgusting. Use a single shape but that should be definite to the brand or company so that customers can have a rough idea about your brand. If you will use more than one shape, it will make confusion the customers.
Another most important thing, which you should avoid is the usage of a lot of images and weird color combinations. Choose an aesthetic color combination of two to three colors but all of them should be decent and soft, don’t use harsh, grim or sharp colors. Normally people avoid harsh colors and prefer soft colors. As you have been aware of icons of Snapchat, Whatsapp, and Dropbox, all have two to three colors but they have been applied magnificently. So try to make your icon unique but with some spectacular and bright color combination.
2. Use letter marks or pictorial marks with style:
While designing the icon just remember, that your brands or company icon should be a work mark or pictorial mark. If you will use too many pictures, words, or something else in the icon, it will look vile or unpleasant. So try to use pictorials like Snapchat, Whatsapp, Dropbox, Spotify or use letter marks like Printers, Cartoon Network, HBO, BBC, and many more.
Just use the initial of your brand or company in the icon. As writing too many things in icons makes icon disguising and a bit confusing for the audience or customers. Whereas a single word in the icon looks decent and is also easy to remember for customers. Play with fonts of the word, which will be used in the icon. Choose something unique and unusual for the font, don’t use the common or ordinary font.
As people start getting bored and frustrated from these ordinary icons, so adopt something unusual or different.
3. Show stability:
Don’t fluctuate between plans, ideas, or designs. Once you made up your mind stick to it or if you are done with though processing for the designs, don’t back off. Do proper homework or searching before stepping towards the final stage. But once you get there, then don’t true back. Start working on your designs with potential, determination, and dedication. Prove yourself to others with your work and design.
4. Show versatility:
Icons play a vital role, in a company’s progress, success and prosperity. That is why they should be clean, fresh, and versatile. Icons should be related to the environment of the brand and the market, always keep eye on your opponent or competitor. Icons are a lifetime thing for the brand or the company, you can’t change it by the time. That is why from start make icon from green, which can be a part of the society in every generation, who can go with every era. Show versatility in your icon by playing with colors and designs, making something that wouldn’t get old by the passage of time. By the time it should remain fresh and raw.
5. Team work:
Last but not the least, if you want more ideas or creativity for your icon. So make start working in a team or you can also a hire a team for this purpose. If you will have a large and a good amount of people in your brand, it will automatically help you in icon design. By giving some new and creative ideas for it. Teamwork also provide lots of opinion and suggestion, tips and direction which will lead you to a perfect and marvelous icon for your brand.
All the points that have been mentioned above are very useful, while making an icon try to keep these points in your mind they will help you in your work. These are the tips, tactics, and strategies which will provide you with a unique, creative, and magnificent icon for your brand.
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